Esta zona sufrió fuertes lluvias e inundaciones al final del verano. Espero que toda la gente que conocimos esté bien: Nae y las demás las chicas de etnia Dzao y H'mong que nos acompañaron el primer día, hasta que les compramos bolsos y pulseras; Chii, que nos rescató cuando andábamos perdidos por entre los arrozales; o aquel chico tan guapo como callado que nos llevó a Bắc Hà y con el que nos malentendimos por señas.
Aquí podéis ver un vídeo que hice en el mercado de Bắc Hà, uno de los espectáculos más ruidosos y coloristas a los que he asistido en mi vida.
Sa Pa, on the Northern Vietnam, very near the Chinese border, is inhabited by some twenty ethnic groups, each with their own language and culture. Instead of tending, as other countries do, to assimilate or marginate those who are different, in Vietnam they help develop those people and promote the attraction that they arouse on tourists.
This area suffered from heavy rains and floods by the end of the summer. I only hope everybody we met are all right: Nae and the Dzao an H'mong girls who were with us the first day until we bought their bags and bracelets; Chii, who rescued us when we were lost among the rice fields; or that guy, as good-looking as he was quiet, who took us to Bắc Hà, and whom we could hardly communicate with using sign language.
Here you can see a video I made on the Bắc Hà market, one of the most noisy and colorful shows I have been to in all my life.
This area suffered from heavy rains and floods by the end of the summer. I only hope everybody we met are all right: Nae and the Dzao an H'mong girls who were with us the first day until we bought their bags and bracelets; Chii, who rescued us when we were lost among the rice fields; or that guy, as good-looking as he was quiet, who took us to Bắc Hà, and whom we could hardly communicate with using sign language.
Here you can see a video I made on the Bắc Hà market, one of the most noisy and colorful shows I have been to in all my life.